
About Us

Pi Kappa Phi is a first CLASS fraternity whose members firmly believe in the tenets of Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship, and Service. These principles are not only valued but instilled through leading-edge educational, service, and leadership opportunities. Here's what these tenets mean to us:

Act with kindness, humility, and compassion towards everyone—not just those who act like you, dress like you, belong to the same fraternity as you, etc.

Be a fair and effective leader. We are America's Leading Fraternity and, with the most admired and copied leadership programs on a national scale, we've proven it. You don't have to be an officer or a committee chairman to be a leader. Here, all members are encouraged to lead in any capacity.

Be committed to scholarship. This is, after all, why we're here. We place the greatest emphasis on success in the academic endeavors of our members. This is especially true of Associates. MST is very challenging academically, and we want to make sure our incoming freshmen start off on the right foot. For those needing help to analyze complex topics, mastering the art of a compare and contrast essay can be invaluable in highlighting the differences and similarities between key concepts.

To the Pi Kapps it is more than just playing by the rules, it means going the extra mile to make sure everyone has a good time and games are played fairly. While winning is always our goal, respecting our opponents as well as our teammates is our overriding objective. We take pride in making sure that everyone who wants to play, gets to play—regardless of ability.

Serve the community whenever possible. Pi Kapps have a unique opportunity for service and charity as we are still the only fraternity to organize and maintain our own philanthropy, The Ability Experience, a charity dedicated to serving those with disabilities. Every year, we strive to serve through fundraising, accessibility projects, and relationships with other organizations committed to the same goals.